Payroll, Employee Rewards, Compensation, Salary Coalition (P.E.R.C.S.)
When it comes to retaining top talent, Payroll, Employee Rewards, Compensation, and Salary are important pieces of the Total Compensation pie. ...BUT, along with the wonderful world of receiving paychecks, bonuses, Paid Time Off, and health insurance, there is another world. A world that is more complex that makes receiving the aforementioned wonderful things possible. There is a whole other world of laws that regulate what types of organizations can offer what types of benefits, laws that also regulate which benefits can be given to whom, and laws around payroll processing and reporting. As if the laws themselves weren't enough, all of the laws change from time-to-time and some can be very complex and down-right confusing.

That brings us to the following questions:
Do you know Payroll, Employee Rewards, Compensation, and/or Salary and want to share your own experiences in the field with other like-minded individuals?
Have you been curious about Payroll, Employee Rewards, Compensation, and/or Salary and want to learn more?
Are you a seasoned payroll, benefits, and/or compensation professional who wants to engage in conversation with others in the field to stay abreast of trends or to expand your network of professionals in the field?
Do you want to hear about innovative ways that organizations are working to stay in compliance with laws governing payroll, compensation, and benefits while still keeping up with the market and in some cases even disrupting the status quo?
If you answered 'Yes' or even a strong 'Maybe' to any of the above questions, NAAAHR Atlanta would like to invite you to join our newest affinity group with a focus on benefits, payroll, and compensation. Complete the form to your right and we will reach out to you with additional details of our first meeting.

Complete the following info:

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NAAAHR Benefits, Payroll, and Compensation Coalition
Company NameN/A if Unemployed
NameYour full name
Job Title
Phone NumberIncluding area code
Additional InformationMore details if necessary
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